Must-Know 2025 Dates for Nonprofits

It’s easy to get into the rhythm of day-to-day life at your nonprofit organization and let key fundraising dates slip by. In this post, I’ll highlight the top 2025 nonprofit dates that you won’t want to miss.

National Volunteer Week
April 20-26

If you are a volunteer-oriented organization, this is an event you do NOT want to miss. This is your chance to celebrate your volunteers and thank them for all their hard work. 

When I worked as a volunteer coordinator for a local nonprofit, we had an annual volunteer celebration for our people. The first year, we had live music, a free coffee cart, and lots of sweet treats.

The second year, we had a catered dinner, a charcuterie dessert bar, and gifted mini succulent plants with the tag “Thank you for helping us grow”.

National Nonprofit Day
August 17

This date is a great way to celebrate your nonprofit and increase your cause awareness. Consider launching a social media campaign that highlights your organization, sharing day-to-day life and behind-the-scenes content.

If you prefer an in-person approach, think about hosting an “open house” type event where people can visit, learn about your organization, and tour the facilities.

December 2

If you’ve been in the nonprofit sector long, you probably know this is a HUGE fundraising campaign and arguably the most impactful. GivingTuesday started as a movement in 2012 as “a day that encourages people to do good” ( Since then it has grown exponentially. It is one of the top nonprofit fundraising days in over 90 countries.

As you prepare for GivingTuesday, create a fundraising goal for your organization. As you get closer to this day, you can start sharing updates on how close you are to reaching your goal.

Follow me on instagram for more GivingTuesday tips.

End-of-Year Giving

This is your organization's final push to reach your fundraising goals for the year. End-of-Year (EOY) Giving doesn’t necessarily have a specific date perimeter.

Many organizations start this fundraising campaign in November and continue it past GivingTuesday until they reach their goal. Of course, do what makes the most sense for your organization.

Speaking of goals, this is another date that you definitely should create a specific goal for.

I know, I know…

It can be intimidating to create a goal, not knowing if you’ll reach it.

But you’re likely to raise more money by creating a goal (even if you don’t reach it) then if you have no goal at all.

Whether your fundraising goal is $1,000 or $100,000, share your progress along the way! This, along with impactful storytelling, keeps donors engaged.

As you prepare for these top dates, here are a few tips…

  1. Plan ahead. Don’t let these dates sneak up on you. Give yourself enough time to plan, create marketing content, and order any materials you may need.

  2. Do what works for your organization. I understand that every nonprofit has a different budget and different goals. If you don’t have a large budget for a volunteer celebration, that’s okay! Get creative and dream up some ideas that work for your organization.

  3. Be consistent with your marketing. If you only post on social media or send emails when you have big events coming up, you could miss out on supporters. So stay consistent in your communications, and use impactful storytelling year-round!


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